037 209 3697
Center for Agricultural Productivity and Policy Studies

The Centre for Agricultural Productivity and Policy Studies (CAPPS) was established in January 2023 to conduct demand-driven research in the area of agriculture productivity and policy analysis. Unlike the existing academic departments that focus on the training of undergraduate and postgraduate students, CAPPS is established with a special mandate of helping to achieve food security in Ghana and Africa in general. It is the agriculture research wing of the University for Development Studies. As a Centre, we are committed to collaborating with appropriate stakeholder institutions to improve and sustain agricultural productivity and efficiency through research, capacity building, extension and policy advocacy. The centre brings together experts from the various Departments of the University for Development Studies (UDS) and other institutions and agencies in and outside Ghana. It engages researchers, policymakers, NGOs and private individuals in agriculture and agribusiness-related disciplines. The overarching goal of the centre is to sustain agriculture development in Ghana and Africa at large. So, we pride ourselves on the cliché “Sustaining Agriculture Development”.

Vision, Mission and Core Values

The vision of CAPPS is to become a World-Class Centre of Excellence that conducts, supports and promotes demand-driven research in agricultural productivity and policy analysis.

The mission of CAPPS is to promote inclusive agricultural productivity and policy process through demand-driven capacity development, evidence-based research and advocacy to sustain food security and agriculture development.

Core Values
Our core values are abbreviated “DEETH”

  • D = Dependable and trustworthy 
  • E = Excellence in all administrative and operational activities
  • E = Evidence-based research and policy advocacy
  • T = Transparency and accountability
  • H = High moral standards

The goal of CAPPS is to improve and sustain agricultural productivity and development through comprehensive and actionable research, capacity building and policy advocacy.

Units of the Centre
The Centre has three units. These are

  • Agricultural Productivity Improvement Research (APIR) Unit: It conducts cutting-edge research into innovations/technology that can boost productivity in crops, aquaculture and livestock. It coordinates all research in the area of pure agricultural science fields (soil science, animal science, crop science, horticulture etc.) 
  • Agricultural Project Management (APM) Unit: This unit uses a market-led agricultural policy advocacy approach to support effective and efficient agricultural project and policy design and implementation. It also provides consultancies for agricultural project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 
  • Women and Youth in Agribusiness (WYA) Unit: It investigate and identify the most appropriate models to attract women and youth into the different areas of the agriculture value chain as a business. 

Operational Activities and Strategies
The activities of the centre include the following.

  • Research and Publications
    The CAPPS plays a significant and active role in agricultural productivity and policy research and analysis. The centre is expected to provide credible and trustworthy information on agriculture by publishing an annual report about “The State of Ghanaian Agriculture”. The Centre is expected to track emerging ideas and improve communication among scholars involved in agricultural productivity and policy research by establishing a reputable journal.
  • Training and Teaching
    CAPPS is committed to supporting stakeholders in building their capacity through regular meetings, workshops, sensitization, and advocacy activities that result in a comprehensive understanding of policies and their implementation across the agricultural value chain. The Centre accepts adjunct or visiting professors to support affiliate faculties with the human resource to train postgraduate students or provide specialised skills to capacitate stakeholders
  • Agricultural Extension, Outreach and Policy Advocacy
    Stakeholders are engaged in diverse ways, including conferences, seminars, field days, and tours to access field-based information on improved agriculture innovations and technologies. Furthermore, the findings of the research are disseminated to diverse stakeholders through policy briefings, publications, and media reports. The Centre hopes to train youth and women in agribusiness thereby improving the agripreneurial drive for job and wealth creation in the country

Contact Us
P. O. Box TL 1882, Nyankpala Campus, Tamale
Tel: + +233 206 783 104/ +233 242 760 053
Email: capps@uds.edu.gh or mfnantui@uds.edu.gh

© 2025 University for Development Studies