037 209 3697
Faculty of Social Sciences

Welcome to the Faculty of Social Sciences where we value unique and extraordinary educational experiences.  Whether you have begun your studies at the faculty with a clear idea of your programme major or remain undecided, your decision to embark on a Social Sciences degree will prepare you for many exciting possibilities.  

The faculty is located on the Nyankpala campus in Nyankpala. This campus is the first of the university's campuses. Nyankpala is a town in the Tolon-Kumbungu District, about 10 miles southwest of Tamale, the capital of the Northern Region in Ghana. 
The various disciplines that make up the Social Sciences faculty at UDS  include social work, political science, geography and human development, psychology, religion philosophy and history. These disciplines will offer you the opportunity to address significant societal concerns and will influence how you view social justice and how we address urgent global, national, and local crises. Studies in the social sciences are creative, engaging, and interdisciplinary by nature, and will enable you to sharpen your communication and analytical skills through rigorous scholarship and inquiry. Our students will stand out in the crowd having acquired the knowledge and skills to effect change in all aspects of society.

Additionally, our graduates will have the essential knowledge and skills that employers highly value, particularly in the fields of critical thinking, advanced communication, and research. They will also be entrepreneurial, creative, and highly adaptable to new and constantly changing workplace environments. Your study with us will prepare you for a variety of job options, including law, government, community activism, and education.

We currently offer degree programmes in social work, political science and history and will be rolling out postgraduate degrees (MPhil and PhD) in these areas and many more in the next academic year. Being the first faculty to offer these social science degrees in Northern Ghana, we are setting a competitive pace to offer the opportunity to many to have access to quality education thereby contributing to realizing the UDS pro-poor agenda of providing access to education to the less privileged in our society. 

The Faculty of Social Sciences currently has six (6) academic departments:

  1. Department of Sociology and Social Work
  2. Department of Political Science
  3. Department of Geography and Human Development
  4. Department of History
  5. Department of Religion and Philosophy
  6. Department of Psychology

As the foundation Dean, I am committed to ensuring that your experience with us will be fulfilling, exciting and experiential. 

Come and join us and be part of the success story. 
Let your journey begin!

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