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Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance Organizes Orientation Program For Newly Recruited Lecturers
26th April 2022 | News
Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance Organizes Orientation Program For Newly Recruited Lecturers

The Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance of the University for Development Studies has organized a two-day orientation programme for newly recruited lecturers of the University.

More than 50 academic staff participated in the workshop which took place at the Andani Andan Academic Chamber of the Central Administration on the Tamale Campus.

In his welcome statement, the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof Felix Abagale said it is the expectation of the university that at all times, all employees, particularly, those who interact directly with students, exhibit a high level of moral values. He added that sanctions will be applied to lecturers and other employees who fail to adhere to the Code of Ethics and other rules and regulations.

In an interview with the University Relations Office, the Director of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance, Professor Shamsu-Deen Ziblim said the University for Development Studies which has over the years become the University of Choice, is on the path to becoming a world-class University. He added that such orientation programmes are organized for newly recruited lecturers, irrespective of their previous experiences or backgrounds in order to ensure that all lecturers are on the same page regarding the quality and standards that have been set by the University. The orientation also focused on the University’s Third Trimester Field Practical Programme TTFPP.

Prof Ziblim added that given the unique trimester system run by the University for Development Studies, the orientation forms part of efforts to equip lecturers with the requisite skills needed to enhance students’ learning experience as well as navigate life as academics.

One of the newly recruited lecturers Mr. Ada-Ebsah Isaac said the orientation has been very helpful and impactful and has also served as an eye opener for him, adding that his approach to teaching has been positively influenced through the orientation.

The workshop focused on the use of ICT in teaching and learning, Pedagogical Skills, Human Resource issues, Ethical issues, among others.

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