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Third Edition of Vice-Chancellor's Business Innovation Award Kicks-Off
28th April 2022 | News
Third Edition of Vice-Chancellor's Business Innovation Award Kicks-Off

The University for Development Studies’(UDS) Vice-Chancellor’s Business Innovation Award Scheme which is operated under the Business Innovation and Incubation Centre (BIIC) of the University’s Business Directorate (UDS-BD) is a scheme that seeks to develop the business acumen of students, alongside academic training. The aim is to enable students of the University to take advantage of business opportunities available to them under the supportive environment provided by the University. 

The first edition of the Vice-Chancellor’s Business Innovation Award came off in November 2020. The focus was on how to use Standards and Packaging in Marketing. An initial number of 34 applicants was pruned down to 21. The participants were engaged in the first pitch out of which 12 were selected for a second round of pitching. 

The number was further pruned down from 12 to for the final pitch. Ultimately, three business ideas emerged the winners. Since then, the winners have been enrolled in the Incubation Programme of the UDS-BIIC and are currently at various stages of transforming their ideas into business ventures.

Having had a successful maiden edition, the second edition of the award was even better. It also focused the use of Standards and Packaging in Marketing. The aim was to help to reverse the negative perception that locally produced commodities and services do not find their way to the shelves because they do not meet domestic and international standards and hence are not certified. Standards such as weights, measures, quality, handling among others were central to the judges.

After another successful pitching, winners were announced in October 2021. Just as was done for the winners of the maiden edition, winners of the 2021 edition have also been enrolled in the Incubation Programme of the UDS-BIIC and are currently at various stages of transforming their ideas into business ventures.

The process to roll out the 2022 edition of the Vice-Chancellor’s Business Innovation Award has kicked off with a meeting of various stakeholders. On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, the first pitching of the selection process was held on the Tamale Campus. Similar events will take place on the Nyankpala Campus of the UDS on Thursday, April, 28, 2022.

In an interview with the University Relations Office, a Senior Assistant Registrar who is also the Head of Department Business Directorate BIIC, Ms. Sauda Belko Sulemana, said the scheme is aimed at supporting students of the University for Development Studies to become entrepreneurs.

She said the award will consider entries under sub-themes such as Standards, Packaging of commodities, Packaging of services etc.

Ultimately, awardees will have the benefit of Business incubation services from the UDS-BIIC access to experienced mentors, workspace with internet access additional support from experts in the UDS, Cash award of between GHȼ 15,000.00 and GHȼ 20,000.00.

Persons who qualify to apply for the award include students (individuals or groups) currently enrolled in any programme of study in the UDS and students with demonstrable innovative business ideas in relation to the use of standards and packaging in marketing.

Applicant must submit a concept note of not more than 3 pages, with font size 12pt, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, clearly highlighting the following the business idea, the problem the business idea seeks to solve, innovativeness of the business idea, market potential, potential for growth and sustainability, and job creation opportunities.

Ms Belko added that the final day for award winners to be announced would be on the 28th of July, 2022.

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