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Staff Profile
Dr. Anthony  Amalba

Anthony Amalba is a registered pharmacist with 28 years of professional experience having worked in the regulatory, hospital and community settings. He is an Associate Professor in Health Professions education at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPPS) of the University for Development Studies (UDS). At UDS-School of Medicine (SoM), he developed interest in Health Professions Education and so got enrolled in Maastricht University and eventually graduated in 2008 with an international Master’s of Science degree in Health Professions Education from the same University in The Netherlands. He also obtained his Ph.D. in Health Professions Education in the same University in 2018.

He was the Chairman of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) implementation Committee from 2007 and was later appointed as the PBL Coordinator for the Education Unit and then the Head of department for the Department of Health Professions Education and Innovative Learning. He has worked tirelessly for the past 12 years with local and international experts for the successful implementation of the PBL Programme in the School of Medicine, at the University for Development Studies, Tamale.

He represented the Dean of the Medical School in an international workshop in Benin, on the harmonisation of the medical curriculla in the ECOWAS Sub-region in 2008. All the then four (4) Medical Schools in Ghana participated in this workshop organised by West Africa Health Organisation (WAHO).

He has been involved in the Netherlands University Foundation for International Cooperation (NUFFIC) Projects through the Netherlands Initiative for Capacity building in Higher Education (NICHE) project 082 and NPT 135 project. He played a leading role organising international workshops in collaboration with experts in medical education for staff in and outside Ghana and managing the NICHE 082 Project serving as the project manager.  He participated in a number of workshops organised by NUFFIC on project management, twice in Lusaka, Zambia and in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Anthony is a fellow of the West Africa Postgraduate College of Pharmacists and the Ghana Postgraduate College of Pharmacists. He has participated and presented papers at international and local conferences.  His research interests are in health professions education including problem-based learning and Community-Based Education and Service, inter-professional education, curriculum development and pharmacy practice. problem-based learning and Community-Based Education and Service, inter-professional education, curriculum development and pharmacy practice.

Areas of specialisation: Health professions education, interprofessional education, Innovative learning, Curriculum development, Clinical pharmacy

Research interest: Innovative teaching and learning (Problem-based learning, Community-Based Learning and Service (COBES), interprofessional Education, Pharmacy practice.

Scholarly address

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anthony_Amalba
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=iYVb93AAAAAJ&hl=en

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